Client News
3 minutes read
Whether you go for new year resolutions, mood board manifestations or prefer to set your intentions for the year, a new calendar year heralds a fresh start and invigorated energy.
From the sublime to the savvy and maybe a moonshot, here’s what the Aruga team is working towards in 2021.
At work this year, we’re working on ourselves to be more present, adapt to changes and adopt a positive mindset. We want to master the art of being calm in all situations, pivot on priorities and ace an Excel spreadsheet.
For Aruga newbies like Account Coordinator Julia, 2021 is about learning and asking questions, while Content Director Belinda’s professional development journey involves a deep-dive into Excel – “I’m words, not numbers, people!”.
We’re also aiming to keep things in perspective (#PRnotER says Account Manager Claudia) and stress less (“less bagels and less stress” adds Account Manager Beth), while Aruga Co-Founder Adam is determined that 2021 will be the year we “work smarter, not harder”.
For Creative Lead Katie that means “taking the time to have attention to detail, thinking outside the box and delivering over and above”.
As Marcomms Team Lead Nicole notes: “I’m lucky to work with a team of extraordinarily capable, creative and clever people. We do great work, but what can we do better? In 2021 we’re going to do just that.”
Should be a cakewalk, right? (Yum, cake – something else we do well…)
When it comes to resolutions in our personal lives, balance is key.
Some of us want to put down roots this year with quite a few Arugans keen to save up and purchase their first home – as Campaigns Director Nat says: “I want to buy a house and deck it out in beautiful things”.
Content Director Bel is taking that purchasing sentiment one step further by being savvy with her cash and continue to support small, local and independent businesses in 2021 – from neighbourhood cafes and hole-in-the-wall bars to emerging designers and talented creatives to Brisbane-based products and service providers.
For Nicole, 2021 is the ‘year of yes’ – “to anything and everything”. Graphic Designer Lauren is open to a new addition in 2021 – a puppy – which is a win-win for the pet-obsessed Aruga office. “The more people I tell the higher the chance of me actually adopting a pup, right?”
Now that’s one work-life resolution we can all get behind. Bring on 2021, we’re ready.