A decade of dedication

Children’s Hospital Foundation

Content Creation

Creative Ideas

Media Relations

Celebrating big support for little lives

The Queensland Children’s Hospital marked its milestone 10th birthday in 2024 and the Children’s Hospital Foundation engaged Aruga to roll out a 10-month communications campaign that lit the birthday candles on a decade of support.  

This campaign was the icing on the birthday cake, and Aruga delivered PR activity to increase public awareness of the Queensland Children’s Hospital, its birthday, and the role of the Children’s Hospital Foundation as its philanthropic arm.   

Through this campaign, Aruga shared stories of the incredible breakthroughs made possible through the work and support of the Children’s Hospital Foundation.  

We also collaborated with tinsel queen Rachel Burke to bring to life a sparkly activation within the Hospital’s foyer, marking the start of 10 days of celebration before the milestone event. 



editorial clips


potential audience reach


video creation


creative idea execution


Creative Ideas

Engaging with tinsel queen and local icon Rachel Burke to bring to life a sparkly brain activation in the Hospital’s foyer.


Interviewing relevant hospital spokespersons and crafting written campaign materials to accompany media outreach.

Media Relations

Securing widespread media coverage throughout the campaign, both throughout the year and in the days leading up to the birthday.

Content Production

Shooting bespoke content to create a campaign video for use across Children’s Hospital Foundation’s owned channels.

Winning tactics

Thumbs Up

Aruga launched Rachel Burke’s activation 10 days before the official birthday celebration, securing a second burst of media interest.

Peace Sign

Aruga secured a burst of radio coverage in June, tying into the rush of EOFY tax-deductible donations, creating interest and public awareness well before the birthday event.  


Aruga created an alwayson media push, telling evergreen stories for the Hospital and Foundation with year-round media appeal.  

Campaign highlights

Aruga supported the announcement of the Children Hospital Foundation’s Long Lunch in celebration of the Queensland Children’s Hospital’s 10th birthday, in The Sunday Mail.
Aruga facilitated an interview with Guy Lobwein and Jan Cattoni for ABC Radio Queensland Evenings to discuss the arts and health program, Future Stories, and its impact on young patients in the Hospital.
Alongside The Courier-Mail, Aruga shone a spotlight on Queensland Ballet's visit, following a workshop with young patients organised by the Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Interview with CEO and Non-Executive Director of Children’s Hospital Foundation Lyndsey Rice to discuss the 10th Birthday celebrations.
Bundaberg Today discussed the regional support the Hospital provides, with quotes from the Bundaberg mother of a young patient, Tommy Walsh.